Sunday, May 3, 2009

Music Sonnet by an extremely talented 14 year old

Ok So I stayed with some friends in Arlington, TX for the week and their youngest son, Daniel is 14 years old. He asked me to help him with his Shakespearean Sonnet. It had to be in iambic pentameter and had to have 3 quatrains and a couplet. He wrote it about music. I really didn't have anything to do with it. I just helped him organize some thoughts. :) He's a genius, I assure you.. and one of my favorite people on the planet. Ok here it is. The sonnet about music written by: Daniel Norwood

The notes they swiftly flow across the page.
They decrescendo even as they're played.
The singers' voices echo from the stage.
More beautiful a sound cannot be made.

The sounds they blend with every player's slur.
The accents can be heard above the rest.
Each player's hands move fast into a blur.
They practice hard to be among the best.

The key can change to bring new flats and sharps.
Fermatas held to bring such great suspense.
Legato sounds flow gracefully from harps
From which a sad melodic tune laments.

No greater love than this is seen or heard
Than music played inspired from God's Word.


  1. Wow! Being a musician (well, former,but I still sing which counts!), I really like this :) and written by a 14 year old? cool stuff. Send him kudos for a job well done.

  2. Will do, Osiris! He's a pretty phenomenal guy! And someone I hold very close to my heart. I tried to adopt him but his parents had a few things to say about that ;)
