Thursday, September 9, 2010

I Want Yellow Walls...

The longer I am still,the longer I wait and the more invested I am in my relationship with God, the more He shows me the kind of man He has in mind for me to marry.

I became incredibly aware of this yesterday. Mom and I had gone to Texas for a week to visit my grandmother who is in poor health. The week was full of unexpected frustrations and challenges but all in all, it was a good week.I'll elaborate on the details later in this post. But what I'll tell you now is that the trip back felt like it took a million hours. We were tired and sore and stinky... but when we got home,we found that mom and dad's bedroom had been remodeled. [quick little aside, we've been doing a lot of remodeling on the house... but mom and dad's bedroom was the only bedroom that hadn't been done.]

What does this have to do with yellow walls and husbands?

I'll tell ya. Mom and I left on 8/31 for an incredibly long trip. Apparently, it was that day that Dad and Molly started scheming. They had started scheming to remodel mom and dad's bedroom while mom and I were away. Just 2 days into our trip, mom and I were rear ended in Abilene (a small west Texas town). There was a lot of damage to our car. Luckily, the girl admitted full fault (because it was), and the insurance company took care of everything. But, it was still a long, emotional and stressful day. We still had several hours of driving (in a rent car) and seeing my grandma ahead of us.

We got the rent car, put gas in it, got lunch and got on the road. While Dad and Molly were pulling up carpet, taking up staples, hammering down nails.

We got to Belton, TX (about an hour outside Austin)and went straight to the nursing home to see Memaw (grandma). We saw Memaw then set out for my aunt and uncle's farm; which was about 15 minutes outside of town. While Molly and Dad were scraping up glue and taking down ceiling fans.

On Friday, we were even more tired and sore and emotional. We spent the day with my grandma and talked to the insurance company. While Molly and Dad were scraping ceilings and washing down walls.

On Saturday, we hung out with my grandma, ran some errands, and had lunch with 2 of my mom's siblings and one of my mom's childhood friends. While Molly and Dad were picking out paint colors and putting down hard wood floors. I whined about how tired I was or how I had to deal with the insurance company. While Molly and dad were not only working at their jobs... but painting the walls and moving around furniture.

Speaking of paint colors, mom and I had gone to Home Depot and gotten some samples of paint colors that we liked and painted a few colors on the wall. We hadn't settled on a color but mom really liked this pale yellow color and a greyish brown color. Dad had originally objected to the yellow so mom and I had figured we would go with the brown...eventually. We've been doing renovations on the house for some time now so we weren't planning on doing their room for a while. (or so we thought)

The whole week mom kept telling me "I miss dad." or "I'm just anxious to see ." Babbo(Babbo is the Italian word for "daddy". Molly and I call him Babbo. Now mom does too :) )

I just kept thinking. "man, I want a love like that." A love where you feel lost if you're not with your partner. I know I'll have it. I just gotta wait. Which I'm TOTALLY fine doing. :)

Anywho, we get home and we go upstairs to find the beautiful bedroom. Mom almost cried. Dad and Molly had worked for 8 days to redo this bedroom for mom. A while after we got home, Molly told me that dad had said to her "let's paint the walls that pale yellow color that Nellie likes." Molly said "you don't like that color." he said "it's not that important to me. Nellie likes it. I want her to have it."

They ultimately went with the brown color but that's not the important part. The important part is that Babbo put Nellie's wants ahead of his own. It may not seem like a big deal, but it is. In Ephesians 5, Paul tells husbands to love their wives as Christ loves the Church. It's a pure love, a holy love, a sacrificial love and a wholly unselfish kind of love.

My dad has that kind of love for my mom. He shows this daily. Not just in his redoing the bedroom or wanting to give her the paint color she wanted. But in calling or texting throughout the day, in his constant support of her, or going to work and working so hard for our family....everyday.

Dad is going to be totally embarrassed by this blog but that's ok.

Folks, I know he's out there. I'm not going to LOOK for a man that I think God wants for me. I'm going to hold out for my yellow wall kind of love. :)

This may not have been a super insightful kind of post... but it's been on my heart and I wanted to share about this very special kind of love I've seen. :)

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