Saturday, December 18, 2010

Day 5 Day 5 God made birds and fish alive

Remember that song from VBS or Sunday school? I sure do. It talks about the 7 days of creation. I LOVE that song. :)

Ok. So. Day 5 of this challenge is a picture of myself 2 years ago. So... here goes nothin.

I hate posting pictures of myself. I feel narcissistic when I do. But... I'm just following orders. So this is a picture of me almost 2 years ago. I was 22. Whoa. I was living in Lubbock, Texas about to finish up my classroom training; then moving to Salt Lake City shortly thereafter. This picture pretty much sums up my personality. I laugh. A lot. I LOVE to laugh. Not only does it burn calories, BUT it's been proven that it lengthens your life!

Wait... did I just make that up? I'll check my sources later. I mean, this is a blog. Moreover, it's my blog. I can say whatever I want. Check this out.

Marry Poppins fruit loops snorkel pop tarts wiener dogs pick up sticks.

See? There. No one can come after me and tell I'm wrong because it's MY blog. Now, they may have me committed because they think (read: know) I'm insane. But they can't prove it!

But I digress. Where was I...oh. Right. I love to laugh. This picture is representative of a lot of things. I feel like it was taken a million years ago. I have been so many places and done so many things since that picture was taken. I've grown so much. Unfortunately not in stature. But I have grown in my spiritual life and my walk with God. I've also grown in my patience and understanding. So this picture represents a Sarah of a different time. I look about the same. Maybe I have a few laugh lines now ;) I hope that two years from now I can look back at a picture of me from today and think "wow, I've grown since then."

So, friends. Here's to laughing and constantly evolving. Cheers.

oh!! and look what I found! a webpage about laughing and longevity! It's on the internet! It MUST be true!

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