Sunday, May 3, 2009

Time tooooo Sayyyy Gooooodbyeeee

Not only a Sarah Brightman song :)

I've been thinkin lately. Weird. I know. Actually, this has been a thought that started as I was leaving Lubbock and continues still... did that make sense? How would I know? it's 1:30 in the morning. Thus the title of the blog.

What was I saying? oh, right... my thought... do you want to know what it is? Well, ok since you asked so nicely; I'll tell you. My thought has been that we are trained to say goodbye. Almost from the moment we're born. Know what I mean?

Time out for a sec. I feel as though I should warn you. I'm kinda a hippie. A card carryin liberal! Well, liberal by ChurchaChrist standards. Anyway... if at any given moment, the flower power gets to be too much... feel free to stop reading and mock me silently...

I said silently!

Now then, back to my thought of saying goodbye. Your parents send you off to Kindergarten.. you say goodbye. Then you leave elementary school and go to middle school... then you go to high school... then you graduate and go to AIM, or college or get a job or whatever... And you eventually have to say goodbye to suite mates, classmates, coworkers or the like.

Next thing you know, you're almost 23, getting ready to move to a state you've never visited except for the airport...and freaking out about where your life has gone and having to say goodbye... again.

I was also thinking that there will come a time where no one has to say goodbye ever again. Heaven! I long for that day. I can't wait for the time to come where I never have to say goodbye again. I get to see my grandparents. I get to be with my Heavenly father.

Until I leave this earth I'm going to tell everyone I meet about Jesus so that they don't have to say goodbye anymore. And so I never have to say goodbye to them.

Sorry for the jumbled, moderately existential feeling of this... but it's just a catharsis on paper

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