Tuesday, August 24, 2010

switchin over

I'm going to get rid of my other blog so I'm slowly (but surely) transferring some of my posts over. Here's one from 2 years ago. :) This was written the day before I started AIM. It's called "Who me?, why me?, SEND ME!"

I used to struggle a lot with what God's plan was for my life. I remember being brokenhearted, tired, and jaded. I remember lying in my bed, crying, and having this dialogue with God

"God, I give up... I just... give up"

And God said "I know you want to, but you can't"

"BUT GOD!!!" *whiny voice* "Life is tooo hard and I don't know what You want from me... Just tell me what to do...tell me what you want me to do"

and God said "I want you to explore AIM. Step out of the box. You can do it"

"You tell funny jokes, God"

God said: "AIM. Do AIM"

"Um, no thanks...." So I ran. I ran away from God... How do you even do that?! But I did. I ran from church, I ran from my friends, my family, my church family... I just.........ran Obviously, my stubbornness didn't get me anywhere but more disappointment and unsatisfaction. Once again, there I was, crying in my bed, talking to God, bruised, beaten, and tired.
"GOD!!! HEY! Remember me? Look, I know I haven't talked to you in a while, and I'm sorry... but I need your help"

God: "I know, and I'm here. I've always been here"

"Oh, right, that whole omnipresent, omnicient thing...I'm ready to give my life to you"

God: "So... you're going to do AIM?"

Me: "yup. I'm going to do it"

And that's it.. that's the story... I went from being Who, Me? To Why me? And now, finally... SEND ME! I'm in Lubbock and I'm chillin in my hotel room. Anxiously counting down the hours until I can register, move in, and meet my roommates. I have no idea what's going to happen over the course of the next 2 years; all I know is that I'm excited and I'm firmly holding His hand and RUNNING.

Now, don't get me wrong, I know there will be times when I fall... but that's the great thing about MY Jesus...He carries you.

I still struggle with giving Him control... but I'm getting better. If you struggle with these same things, let me pray for you. I encourage you to lean on your family and friends, too.

Lord, thank you for my family, thank you for my friends, and thank you for my supporters. Thank you for sending your Son to die for us. As I enter this new exciting phase of my life, I ask you to help me stay humble, and focused. Please help me shine Your light wherever I go. Please help us to reach people who are broken, wounded, and searching for You. In Your Son's name I pray.


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