Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Here comes Santy clause here comes santy caluse

Day #9 Picture of the last thing you purchased.

We don't have a whole lot of family traditions around Christmastime. Only to all be together. No matter where we are, we try to all come together for Christmas. This is very important to our family.

But a tradition we have that I absolutely love is the Christmas Sock and Christmas Pajama tradition. Every year, mommy, seester and I buy pajamas for Christmas. These were last year's pajamas.

Mine are bright pink with artsy looking partridges in pear trees. Mommy's were tan and pink and had a bunch of sock monkeys all over them. Seester's were cream colored and had old fashioned looking Santa's all over them. The shirts coordinated, too. Mine was white, Nellie's (mom) was red and seesters was green. Seester bought these and some fuzzy aloe infused socks for all of us.
That picture was taken in Salt Lake on Christmas morning. My family came to see me last year and we hung out on my turf for a week. :)
I really wanted to be able to afford our Christmas jammies this year but between the play, walking pneumonia and not being able to work much, I just couldn't. What I COULD afford was our Christmas socks. :)
Seesters look like candy canes, mine are white with red on the heel and toe and have Christmas Trees and Nellie's are the same but with Frosty on them. They too, are fuzzy. :) I'm really looking forward to just relaxing on Christmas and being together.
Cheers, my dear readers. I hope you all have comfy warm traditions with your families this holiday season! :)

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