Friday, December 17, 2010

Time keeps on slippin slippin...

Day 4. A picture of your best friend.

This woman is my best friend.

But, I've also been told that doesn't count since we're seesters. Don't know what a seester is? Well, it's kind of like a sister... but more. It's someone even more than a twin. We have a ridiculous bond. We tell each other everything and we can read each other's minds. Pretty crazy, huh? Wish you had a seester? Yep...I know you do. But you can't have mine. You'll have to search elsewhere. So... since I can't choose Seester as my best friend (since she's more than that) I'll show ya who is.

So...I was planning on writing about this person and then I checked her blog and she had written about me! This is just further proof of why we're soulmates. So, folks... here she is! The beautiful, the wonderful, the funny, talented and amazing. Kylie Jones!!

I met this beautiful creature at church camp 2 years ago. It was my first time counseling at a high school camp. Let's be honest. I was terrified. High schoolers are scary. Kylie was in my small group and my first memory of her is when she was showing me compassion. My small group had been kind of rough because... well, because high schoolers are scary. I was upset so I walked away for a minute to collect myself and when I came back, Kylie wrote me a note that said "are you ok?" I loved her immediately; and as I got to know her better, I loved her more. She's SUPER smart, strong, quirky, talented, beautiful and compassionate. Kylie loves people. I'm glad she loves me! I can be pretty strong willed and stubborn but she's still there with a kind word or a silly word play to perk me up. :) We've started calling each other "soul mate." Yes, I'm fully aware of what a "soul mate" is but calling each other "soul sister" sounded too much like the song by the 1980's girl band Labelle. Anywho, I am so much more thankful for Kylie than I could probably ever express. She has always been there for me and I KNOW we'll be friends For.Ev.Er. She is just....amazing! So, Ms. Jones...Cheers!

Proverbs 27:17 NIV
As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.

Not only is she sharp...but she...sharpens me? Well, you know what I mean. :) Love you, Soul Mate~!

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