Friday, December 24, 2010

Be careful... it's dangerous in there

Hey! We're on to day 11 already. Thank you for joining me on this little journey of mine. It's been fun! We're a little more than 1/3 of the way through this little adventure. How exciting! Don't worry faithful followers out there in the blogosphere, I have another journey on which to embark after this one ends. Wow. Was that like the longest run on sentence or what? Bah. Anywho. Today's challenge was titled "what's in your makeup bag?"

An octopus.

ok not really. It's makeup. But ya know what they say "ask a stupid question..."

There it is. The contents. Let's go down the list, shall we?
Clinique blush that a friend gave to me
several eye shadow brushes
pretty eye shadow
Bare minerals eye shadow
Bare minerals concealer brush (my favorite item)
Bare minerals Foundation brush
Bare minerals warmth brush
Cover girl falsies mascara (the BEST mascara I have ever used)
Cover girl lip stain (used primarily in my show)
another eye shadow brush
another bare minerals eye shadow
bare minerals mineral veil.
OH! and all the way to the left is my eye lash curler. It looks like a medieval torture device. But I love the thing.

So. There it is. The reason I wear bear minerals make up is because my skin is super sensitive and breaks out a lot. I decided to invest in Bear Minerals. It was $60 (minus the eye shadow) and it's lasted me almost a year. I love it! Seriously the best make up I've ever used. Definitely worth the investment. :) That's all for now, kids. Tomorrow is Christmas. I LOVE Christmas!

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